Thursday, August 9, 2007


Well all, after a long process and much excitement, I have finally received the location of my site which I will be stationed at for the next 2 years!! I will be stationed in the Sikasso region in the south of Mali. I will be pretty close to Sikasso, the regional capital, and it appears I'm not too far from Ivory Coast either. I'm really excited about my placement. I heard from a currently serving volunteer that my village is relatively small, but not too far off the main road, both characteristics I was hoping for. I also hear that because it is south, the agriculture is good, and I'll have a wide variety of food. I've been holding off on learning about the different regions, because I didn't want to develop a bias before the assignment came, and risk being dissapointed. Now, I'm so excited to learn more about the region and I'll keep you posted on what I find out! As for now, things are going great in my little homestay village of Missalabougou, the people are amazingly friendly and I'm picking up bambara slowly but surely. I haven't had much technical training but it seems like most of that comes after I swear in as a volunteer and get settled at site (or maybe it happens during training?) Anyhow, I'll keep you posted and hope to get some pictures up here sometime soon!!
I am also looking forward to hearing from you all, and knowing what's going on in your lives in the states! Remember that you can send me mail at any time at the address to the right, and I should get it! Email is also good!
K'an ben sooni!

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